
Patty has been trained and certified in the following techniques:
Biocomputer Operating System ® (BOS)
BOS techniques help move the energy towards balance at specific locations using the practitioner’s hands to ‘key in,' hold, or ‘tap’ on certain points on the body. Muscle testing allows the body to direct its healing path, facilitated by the practitioner. Biocomputer Operating System (BOS), co-developed by Larry Steel and the late chiropractor, Dr. Harvey Steel, has its base in Chinese medicine. BOS uses small filters that resonate with the body’s electrical system. Muscle testing during a BOS session is a means of identifying energetic causes of physical imbalance.
Biocomputer Emotional Spiritual Technique
This practice compliments BOS through in-depth balancing of the emotional energy field using original techniques such as “Emotional Meridian-Organ Chakra Connection.” By tapping into the energy centres within the body, you can achieve greater awareness of health issues and emotions that may be buried or repressed.
Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy
This modality is a gentle yet profound non-invasive hands on treatment that taps into the rhythm of the cerebral spinal fluid and the body’s inner core. The treatment is focused on supporting the health of the whole being, especially the nervous system.
Therapeutic Touch ®
This is a compassionate use of universal energy to promote the body’s natural healing process. Hands are moved in a gentle rhythmic motion from head to feet. The intention is to redistribute and rebalance the client’s energy field. Therapeutic Touch® (TT) is an evidence-based therapy , which Promotes a feeling of relaxation, and the relief of stress, anxiety, and pain. This can help improve sleep and well-being. Click here to learn more.
Medical Intuition
This practice is intended as a tool of supplementary insight. It traces the nature and root of conditions that have manifested themselves in physical discomfort and disease within a client’s unique energy field. Patty pays attention to the body without censoring, questioning, or analyzing. In this work there is only one expert: the client’s body. Medical Intuition is integrated into the other energy work techniques.