Success Stories

"I began working with Patty approximately two years ago. I came to her based on my wife's involvement, but I must confess, I had considerable skepticism regarding energy work. I was looking for support in addressing emotional struggles and relationship issues. What I have experienced, in spite of my reluctance, is a gradual letting go of non-useful defenses which has allowed me to be more open and relaxed. As a result, I have found myself engaged in more skill enhancing activities, bringing me greater confidence and richness in my life. I also experience greater courage in addressing relationship issues and life's challenges generally."
"I first saw Patty six years ago due to a number of health concerns including fibromyalgia and chronic shoulder pain. I had previously worked with a number of health care practitioners, with varying levels of success. What I found different with Patty's work was her ability to access and address, through BOS work and Therapeutic Touch, the underlying issues which cause and/or contribute to illness in the body. Through her work, I have noticed significant improvements with my chronic conditions and, as a result, have been able to resume many activities which I had given up as a result of chronic pain and inflammation. As well, I have utilized Patty's services for acute flare ups, and for illnesses such as colds and flu. I always experience some immediate relief and find that I recover much faster from illness. Patty is a very kind, compassionate and loving person who listens to my concerns with understanding and unconditional acceptance. I am grateful to have found such an effective and supportive health care practitioner."
"Through Patty's expertise I have had the opportunity to understand and clear past beliefs that were not working for me and balance the energy of my mind and body. To achieve both my professional and personal life goals, the energy work supported positive change to outcomes. Understanding the balance of life is my responsibility for myself not for others. I can ask the questions, provide positive motivation and the end result is their responsibility. I look forward to our continued relationship and the joy of receiving Patty's professional services. Patty once again, I appreciate and thank you for an amazing experience that benefits my everyday health and mental awareness with many successes at all levels within my life."
To gain one's own balance of health and wellness, an open mind allows us
to explore the variety of options that are now available, beyond traditional
medicine. Individually, we are seeking our own ideal combination.
Working with the caring, soothing and passionate personality that makes
Patty Oser unique, allows me personally to delve into those areas of my
heart and mind that I have kept closed. Utilizing Patty's energy & guiding
hands, explanations & conversations, we are slowly discovering what lies
behind. During a session, the physical sensations experienced are beyond
explanation for they are unique and special to each individual.
To promote my own health, understanding the components that comprise it
is crucial. A healthy person is one who is sound in both mind and body.
Patty assists in reaching this goal and I'm glad that she is there for me.
K. Boniwell
Having known Patty for a number of years, I have experienced her care several times. She puts her loving heart into her work. Patty listens, she cares.
After a surgical procedure on my throat, Patty’s efforts really speeded my healing and though I was prescribed painkillers, I found them completely unnecessary. My husband fell off a ladder, resulting in a concussion and his whole face being shattered. Major plastic surgery was required to repair the extensive damage. To look at him now, there is no evidence of the trauma he suffered. True, the doctor did a terrific job but all of us, including the doctor, was amazed at how quickly and thoroughly he recovered. Once again, though he was prescribed powerful painkillers, he did not take any at all. Patty had worked attentively in person as well as long distance on both of us during and after our hospitalization. She also had a spontaneous healing session with my granddaughter. Patty now has a loyal admirer who feels she has a made a new friend and confidant.
Patty is a remarkable, genuine person whose care, compassion and extensive knowledge of her craft is an effectual healer of the body, mind and spirit.
I am grateful to have experienced Patty’s gentle spirit and healing gifts.